Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer fun...

Hey, y'all! 

Sorry I have been away for some time. Summer is busy, as you can all relate. The kids and I try to cram as much fun into 2 months as much as possible. 

I have compiled a short list on the "musts" of these summer months:

1. Water fun: we spend a lot of time in a pool, using water guns, or dodging water balloons. Anything to beat the humidity...

2. Summer reading program: most libraries have these, free of charge. Our local library has special programs weekly for the kids to enjoy. When they read books or participate in various activities (for the younger ones), they receive prizes. This is a great incentive to continue reading throughout the summer. Check out your local library for your own summer reading program; it's never too late.

3. Parks: what kid doesn't love a park?! This sounds like a repetitive adventure, but find a park that you have not been to and go! Your child will thank you. 😉

4. On a rainy day: play hide and seek, grab the Legos and create something new, or break out the playdoh (no matter how much you dread that!)

5. Taking advantage of 'dollar days' at our movie theater. 

I hope you all are having a fantastic summer! What are some things you all enjoy doing during the summer? 

Bye, y'all! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Packing for a trip..

Hey, y'all!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post-- life can be a bit busy, as you all know. I am heading out of town soon, and I wanted to share with you all how I pack. I don't know how others are with their outfits, but I place a huge emphasis on 'what to wear'.

What I do to make it easier when packing a suitcase is:

1. A few weeks or days before my trip, I plan out my outfits.

2. Grab my camera

3. Take pictures of each outfit

4. When packing, look back on my pictures and pack my outfits.

It may seem like a lot of work, but the day before you leave, it will take the guess work out of what you need to grab- because it's already done!

Here are my outfit choices for my upcoming trip:

Top: Target

Top: Target   Pants: Lauren Conrad from Kohl's

White linen pants: Target

Top: Old Navy Bottoms: Target

Top: Local Boutique Bottoms: Express

Maxi: Old Navy  Denim Vest: Levi's

If you notice, I use items more than once for various outfits. I paired my jean jacket with different maxi dresses. I will also wear my mint colored pants twice.

I will keep my shoes simple: two pairs of sandals for all the outfits!

I hope you all find this post to be helpful. Let me know what you do to make packing easier in the comments below!

Have a great night, y'all!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What my children have taught me.

Hey, y'all!

As a mother, I am constantly teaching my children. I teach them manners, how to use the potty, their ABC's, and just the everyday need-to-know basics. But, the whole time I am teaching them, they are actually teaching me.

Today I took my 3 year old son to the "sand park", as he likes to call it. It's a 70-degree day, with the sun shining through the clouds, but he insisted on wearing his rain boots. As I watched him cheerfully walking and balancing on the way to the park, I started to think "He doesn't care what anyone thinks, he does what makes him happy!" This is something my children have taught me: do what makes you happy. If it means wearing the rain boots in the sunshiney day, wear them. Because it does not matter what anyone else thinks, as long as we are happy with ourselves. And Kaleb, well Kaleb is happy. And why shouldn't he be, he was doing what he loved.

Speaking of rain boots: Have you ever went puddle jumpin'?! If not, I suggest you do it. The kids and I took advantage of a rainstorm a few weeks ago, by grabbing our rain boots and jumping in the puddles left over from the torrential downpour. Which brings me to another thing my children have taught me: Just "let it go". Forget the mess you have to clean up, skip out on the laundry for a day, and grab your rain boots and jump in the puddles. You will be amazed at how much fun it can be to 'just be'. As mothers, we can get so caught up in our daily chores that we forget to live. My children will grow up one day, and I will wish I would have just put down the laundry basket and built a fort (because who doesn't love forts?!).

My children just simply love life. They take advantage of every possible adventure, and it doesn't necessarily have to be big, but they go for it. They do what makes them happy, even if it means wearing rain boots in the sunshine, or making a mess: they just live.

My challenge for all the moms reading this is to do something with your children today and forget the household chores! You would be amaze at how you can learn from them. And don't worry, the laundry will be waiting for you tomorrow, I promise. ;-)

Bye, y'all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The start of it all..

Hi, y'all! 

Welcome to my blog. 

I am a stay at home mom who just needed an outlet to the crazy, everyday ventures mothers all go through. You know, the ones that can weigh us down, have us in tears, and sometimes leave us in a closet with chocolate: or is that just me?! ;-) My husband is in the Marine Corps, so we move every few years and just recently moved to our current home 2 months ago. While he is on Recruiting Duty, I am home trying to make sense of the everyday life and decided to create a blog. So here I am...

This past weekend I escaped out of the house (*gasp) to go see 'Moms' Night Out' and felt as though I was watching my own life on the big screen. I am living my dream: all I ever wanted to be was a mom, and I was blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy children. But at times I feel unhappy, and I just could not understand why I felt that way. I mean, how dare me, right?! This is when I thought I will share my feelings through words, in hopes of helping other moms feel like 'you're not alone'. 

I look forward to starting this venture of blogging. So, I hope some of you can follow in my own personal journey of motherhood and know that life may be a mess, but it's a beautiful mess... and so worth it!

Until next time... Bye y'all!
