Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer fun...

Hey, y'all! 

Sorry I have been away for some time. Summer is busy, as you can all relate. The kids and I try to cram as much fun into 2 months as much as possible. 

I have compiled a short list on the "musts" of these summer months:

1. Water fun: we spend a lot of time in a pool, using water guns, or dodging water balloons. Anything to beat the humidity...

2. Summer reading program: most libraries have these, free of charge. Our local library has special programs weekly for the kids to enjoy. When they read books or participate in various activities (for the younger ones), they receive prizes. This is a great incentive to continue reading throughout the summer. Check out your local library for your own summer reading program; it's never too late.

3. Parks: what kid doesn't love a park?! This sounds like a repetitive adventure, but find a park that you have not been to and go! Your child will thank you. 😉

4. On a rainy day: play hide and seek, grab the Legos and create something new, or break out the playdoh (no matter how much you dread that!)

5. Taking advantage of 'dollar days' at our movie theater. 

I hope you all are having a fantastic summer! What are some things you all enjoy doing during the summer? 

Bye, y'all! 

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